
BEAUTY | bizarre!

A peacock vajayjay or do you like pink vox fur? I think it's crazy but these ladies from completely bare at fifth avenue seem to think it's totally normal. Is this going to be a new trend or do you guys think it's bizarre?
source: ilovefashionnews.com


(VIP) AIFW opening party

Syletoday en Amsterdam fashion week organiseren ook dit jaar weer hét officiele openingsfeest van AIFW op 21 januari a.s. Het belooft een mooi feestje te worden. Alle bekende Nederlanders en grote mode namen zullen aanwezig zijn. Wil jij ook aanwezig zijn, ga dan nu naar styletoday en schrijf je in voor de winactie. See you there!



Modefabriek’s mission is to be an innovative and distinctive business-to business tradeshow for labels that distinguish themselves by uniqueness, quality and continuity with an individual vision of fashion in the middle and high segment of the fashion market.

High-end, trendsetting, creative and innovative are the most important core values and pillars.
The fashion trade show of the Benelux is more than a vast collection of brands under one roof; modefabriek is a showcase of new trends, international renowned and avant-garde designer talents, of culinary discoveries and innovative design.

source: www.modefabriek.nl


HAPPY 2012

First of all I would like to wish all of you a very very happy new year. May all you wishes and dreams come true. I'm very sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been in Berlin with the BF, worked a lot and had a lot to do for school. Actually, still have a lot to do for school.. BUT I did passed my exam so that's a little less stress.

I celebrated 2012 with a lovely dinner with friends. They cooked for us, which was delicious, and afterwards we went to a penthouse and get the party started. It was a wonderfull evening full of laughter, friends and a lot of champagne and food. It couldn't get any better, accept the next day... I hope that you guys had a great party as well!